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BRATTON JUBILEE HALL Terms & Conditions of Hire – Version 2 date 15/03/22 Page 1 of 5


TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF HIRE This Agreement constituting the Room Hire Booking Form and these Terms and Conditions between the Hirer and the Venue. The parties agree that the hiring will be carried out in accordance with this Agreement. 1. Definitions and Interpretation 1.1. The Venue – means the Bratton Jubilee Hall Management Committee (BJHMC) of Bratton Jubilee Hall, Melbourne Street, Bratton, Westbury, Wiltshire BA 13 4RW 1.2. The Hirer – means the person or organisation as set out on the Booking Form. 1.3. The Premises – means the Bratton Jubilee Hall, Melbourne Street, Bratton, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 4RW or such part of it as set out in the Room Hire Booking Form. 1.4. The Building – means Bratton Jubilee Hall, Melbourne Street, Bratton, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 4RW 1.5. The Amount Due – means the amount excluding VAT that the Hirer is required to pay to the Venue as set out on the Room Hire Booking Form. 1.6. The Period of Hire – means the period set out on the Room Hire Booking Form 2. Maximum capacity 2.1. The Hirer will not exceed the maximum capacities for the Building. 2.2. The maximum capacities are as follows: • Seated lecture style 110 people; and • Sit down meal – 80 people 3. Use of Premises 3.1 The Hirer shall not use the Premises for any purpose other than that described on the Room Hire Booking Form and shall not sub-hire or use or allow the Premises to be used for: • Any political rallies or demonstrations. • For purposes which are illegal i.e. be they forbidden by law or unauthorised by official or accepted rules. • For functions attended by people whose presence may cause civil unrest or division within the community. • To an organisation or individual which has been banned by law. • Or to do anything or bring onto the Premises anything which may endanger the same or render invalid any insurance policies in respect thereof. 3.2 The Venue reserves the right to exclude or eject from the Building any person, and to cancel any booking where it considers: • That such events may be contrary to the interest of the general public or contrary to any law or act of Parliament. Any bookings will also be subject to consideration from the police to ensure the safety of the community is assessed against the request for a venue booking. • The users of the premises may do something that may cause or pose a risk of loss, damage or significant expense to the Venue or harm the reputation of the Venue. • The Hirer shall ensure that no equipment, goods or other materials are left on the Premises overnight and any such equipment, goods or other materials that are left overnight at the Premises in breach of this condition are done so entirely at the Hirer’s risk. BRATTON JUBILEE HALL Terms & Conditions of Hire – Version 2 date 15/03/22 Page 2 of 5 4. Licences 4.1. The Hirer shall be responsible for obtaining any licences and for completing any returns that may be required by the Performing Rights Society, Phonographic Performance Limited, The Copyright Licensing Agency Limited and all other similar bodies in connection with the hiring and the Hirer shall indemnify the Venue against the consequences of the Hirer’s failure to do so. 4.2. Where the use of the Venue Premises Licence is permitted by the Venue, the Hirer shall ensure compliance with the conditions of the Premises Licence. 4.3. The Hirer shall not apply for a Temporary Event Notice without the prior written permission of the Venue. 4.4. The Hirer shall ensure that they have all permits, consents, licences, permissions, certificates, authorisations and approvals whether of a public or private nature which shall be required by any authority or person in respect of the event. This includes where required a licence issued by the Performing Rights Society and any copyright permission. 5. Health and Safety Compliance 5.1. The Hirer shall comply with all requests of the Venue or its Safety Adviser and must supply any documents requested promptly. 5.2. The Hirer shall be responsible for the health and safety aspects of the use of the Premises during the Period of Hire. The Hirer must where appropriate carry out a risk assessment for each event. A copy of any risk assessment carried must be supplied to the Venue upon its request. 5.3. The Hirer shall ensure they are familiar with the: a. fire alarm points b. fire evacuation procedures, routes, refuge point and assembly point c. location of first aid kit d. location of the accident reporting book 5.4. Throughout the period of Hire the Hirer shall: - a. ensure clear and unobstructed access and egress is maintained to all emergency exits in the Building; b. ensure fire doors in the Building are not to be propped or left open at any time; c. familiarise visitors with the position of fire alarm points, fire evacuation routes, fire refuge points and the fire assembly point; d. where appropriate appoint fire wardens who are trained in emergency procedures; and e. where appropriate ensure sufficient qualified first aiders are available on site. 5.5. The Hirer is advised to carry out a practice evacuation of the Premises. 5.6 The Hirer shall ensure that no person under 16 years of age is permitted to enter the kitchen. 5.7 The Hirer shall inform the Venue of any accidents that have been recorded in the Accident book or that have resulted in injury to any person using the Premises as soon as reasonably practicable. 5.8 The Hirer shall not, without the prior approval of the Venue, bring onto the Premises or use any bouncy castle or similar inflatable device. The installation, inflation, setup and removal of any bouncy castle or similar inflatable device must be undertaken by a suitably qualified person. The Hirer must ensure that the insurance requirements under clause 15 below are complied with and that any Public Liability Cover in place covers the use of any bouncy castle or similar inflatable. The Hirer is wholly responsible for adequately supervising the use of any bouncy castle or similar inflatable. BRATTON JUBILEE HALL Terms & Conditions of Hire – Version 2 date 15/03/22 Page 3 of 5 6. Electrical Appliance Safety 6.1. The Hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliances intended to be provided for use by the Hirer at the Premises shall be PAT tested. 7. Alterations 7.1. The Hirer must not make any alterations of whatever nature to the Building or any part of the Building

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